Evernote Hits the 2 Million User Mark - 1 Million Use Evernote from an iPhone

I have Evernote clients installed under Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X, Windows Mobile, iPhone OS, and Android. And, multi-platform is the name of the game for Evernote which now has more than 2 million users. 1.585 million of those 2 million users logged in from two different platforms. And, it looks like a good bet that one of those two platforms was an iPhone since over 1 million users logged in from an iPhone. In fact, the iPhone is the single largest platform used by Evernote users followed by Microsoft Windows (674K) and the web (623K). BTW, more than a half million users logged in from 3 different platforms. And, I guess I’m one of the 6387 people who logged in from 5 platforms. You can find all their cool statistics in this Evernote blog item.

We can finally say “Millions”!

And, you can hear my discussion with Evernote CEO Phil Libin from January 2009 in the embedded player below…