Use the new Bing Visual Search Feature to Find a New Phone

If you are looking for a new phone and want to try a different way of looking, you might want to check out Microsoft’s new Bing Visual Search feature. It seems to only search a predefined set of categories. However, one of the categories is cell phones. You can see part of the visual search results in the screen capture segment above. And, you can look at the seach result by using the link below…

Bing Visual Search (cell phones)

There are a 125 phones in the search results I saw. Bing’s left sidebar lets you narrow the search by choosing from search filters like newest, bestsellers, bars, clamshells, and sliders. Ironically, the selecting the “newest” phones category shows the iPhone 3GS as the first result, the Android powered myTouch 3G as the last result, but never finds the HTC Touch Pro2 running Windows Mobile.