Reboot Ride-Along #10: 3 Rules for Setting the Tone of Your Sales Meeting

Mark your calendar for Mediaweek, October 29-30 in New York City. We’ll unpack the biggest shifts shaping the future of media—from tv to retail media to tech—and how marketers can prep to stay ahead. Register with early-bird rates before sale ends!

In the last Reboot Ride-Along, I taught you how to avoid the dreaded overpitch! An overpitch is the instant in a sales presentation where your prospect no longer has to imagine the solution you’re presenting. Overpitching is the single largest deal-killer, and it’s so easy to fix. Did you try to fix our overpitching problem? If not, you really should re-watch the last Ride-Along.

This week, it’s time to embrace the three simple mind-shifting rules that set the right tone for your sales meeting. It’s time to reboot your presentation prep.

I get it. We present the very same (or similar) stuff every day. It’s not uncommon for a media sales professional to pitch our products and services four or five times in one day. It’s easy to find yourself slipping into a complacent approach to your presentation and pitch style. But remember, your prospects have never heard your pitch before. You need to present like it’s the first time you’ve given this solution. In fact, they need to feel like you’re excited to be here providing a solution NO ONE else has ever seen!

Your prospect wants to feel like this is something you’ve put together just for them. You can’t just phone it in.

That’s why I remind myself of the three cardinal rules of presenting before I walk into every client meeting.

If you’re ready to Reboot your sales pitch, I want you to try this week’s Ride-Along.

Are you ready to pitch like you’ve never pitched before? Literally?

See you in two weeks!

To your media sales success,

– Andrew Davis