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How This Poster in a Women’s Restroom at a Bar Cleverly Combats Sexual Assault


A county council in England has come up with a clever and discreet way of combatting sexual violence and abuse.

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Nail Polish Invented by College Students Changes Color When It Detects Date-Rape Drugs


Here's the newest example of a clever invention that shouldn't have to exist. Undercover Colors is a line of chemically enhanced nail polish currently being developed by undergrads at North [...]

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Ad Agency Creates Jewelry Meant to Combat Sexual Assault


When JWT Singapore was tapped by the Association of Women for Action and Research (Aware) to create an educational campaign about date rape, the agency decided to go in a [...]

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Brazilians Pose Nude to Protest Widespread Belief That Rape Is Justified


We've seen #nomakeupselfies and #cockinasock, all in the name of cancer awareness, but the latest in viral activist hashtags is #EuNaoMereçoSerEstrupada, which tr

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No Means No, but What Means Yes? Ads Say Sexual Consent Must Be ‘Loud and Clear’


When it comes to sex, a reluctant "yes," "OK" or "sure" doesn't qualify as a green light, according to a Canadian campaign encouraging "enthusiastic consent." "Real consent is mutual and [...]

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Stars line up in PSAs against sex trafficking


Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore launched a big PSA campaign Monday to fight sex slavery under the theme, "Real men don't buy girls." It's a star-studded affair starring everyone from [...]