Consumers Vs Marketers - What Do We Really Want From Brands On Social Media? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Brands around the world are placing a greater emphasis on social media than ever before, but the disconnect between what consumers want, and what marketers think they want, has perhaps never been more apparent.

While more than two-thirds (68 percent) of adult consumers are now online, just 26 percent say that they use social media to follow brands. Conversely, three-quarters (75 percent) of marketers think consumers are positive about social media marketing, to the extent that 25 percent of marketing budgets are expected to be allocated towards social media in 2013.

Facebook was rated as the most popular social networking site by marketers, as well as the most trusted advertising platform, ahead of Twitter and Google+. Consumers, however, while still favouring Facebook, ranked YouTube ahead of both of these channels.

(Source: PitneyBowes. Marketing image via Shutterstock.)