When Can You Jump Ship the Day After Starting a New Job?

What do you do when you’ve searched months for a job, finally get an offer, start, then two days later get an offer from another company that fits your qualifications and personality better? Should you jump ship and leave? Or should you gut it out at the new job?

This is the question submitted to Ask A Manager, and consultant Alison Green adamantly opposes the idea of leaving – an opinion most managers, I’m guessing, agree with. She gives some great reasons, like it could ruin your reputation. Considering the surprisingly small and interconnected media world, there are few times one should accept an offer then leave before getting a byline.

But Green does give three situations where the job jumper could leave, knowing that the person would burn – explode, destroy, bomb – all the bridges available at the previous company.

-The other job is your dream job, an opportunity you may never get again, and the first job is just something to pay the bills.

-You realized very quickly at the new job that there is something profoundly wrong with it — the boss or culture is a nightmare, the job description is totally different from what you were told you’d be doing, etc.

-Your financial situation changed unexpectedly (family health crisis, spouse lost his/her job, etc.) and the other job pays dramatically more.

So, outside of those three, hopefully, unlikely scenarios, you should STAY PUT!

Photo by: aruitenberg