We Hope George Carlin Reads FBLA!

The Supreme Court
agreed to hear the first case on government’s standards for policing the airwaves since Pacifica aired George Carlin‘s “Seven Dirty Words” bit.

Carlin talked to Huffington Post about what he’s been up to in the 30 years since. Ahem. Only being the most prolific political comedian ever. And come to find out, he’s a blog fan.

Carlin stated:

I go there and I go to Salon and I go to Slate and I go to Politico and Talking Points Memo and The Fix and The Caucus and The Lede, and you know – every time you read someone’s blog or someone’s column on the net, they’ve got a series of links for you of other bloggers and columnists – so I just go down the hole, you know? I just get like six seven steps removed from the one I was reading originally by following links. And then I wonder where the fuck I was, you know?

We’re so in that boat with you, Carlin.