Tompkins Gives Props To Fox

From Al’s Morning Meeting:

The Washington Post’s Travis Fox has done it again. Travis is a backpack journalist who travels the world documenting stories with video for the Post’s Web site. He is just home from Darfur, and the work he brought home with him may be his best yet.

I’m dedicating today’s column to this work for three reasons. First, newspaper folks want to learn how to do online multimedia. Second, even the most experienced TV folks can benefit from watching Travis’ video. And finally, the educators and students who read this column daily will learn a ton.

If you are pressed for time, just watch the opening story.

This is a story that utilizes silence and quiet moments to teach us something about what life is like in a refugee camp. I especially like the way Travis uses the shots of barren soil to transition from character to character. And his use of natural light is nothing short of spectacular.

Read the rest here.