The Peninsula New York Hotel Façade Turns Pink for Charity

To support Breast Cancer Awareness month.

Peninsula Hotel Facade Pink Lotus NL Final2With its recent installation of the Pink Lotus sculpture, The Peninsula New York hotel is shining a light on breast cancer. Grimanesa Amorós, a Peruvian-born artist who lives in New York, created the large-scale lotus flower using various shades of red, white and pink LED lights.

A range of businesses are participating in efforts to inform the public about breast cancer this October, from retailers to sports teams. The luxury hotelier launched Peninsula in Pink in 2010 and has hosted the annual event at all ten of its properties in North America, Europe and Asia. The work will be on display in Midtown through Nov. 15 and is best viewed after dark.

This year the campaign theme, The Art of Pink, blends art and philanthropy to raise awareness and funds to fight the disease. Each Peninsula Hotel is showcasing artworks in partnership with acclaimed artists and galleries. Circa 1881, producer of non-profit and corporate art programs, curates the selections through its lending library.

Among related hotel offerings: Pink Afternoon Tea, pastries, cocktails, spa treatments and limited edition Pink Lotus tote bags. A portion of the proceeds are being donated to SHARE, a multilingual nationwide community that’s been providing support to female cancer patients and their caregivers for 40 years.

As Amorós noted during the press event on Tuesday evening, she always wanted the opportunity to honor women with her art. Among her inspirations for Pink Lotus: the Roman goddesses Ceres and Diana that adorn the 45-year-old landmark façade, representing the power of women and the lotus flower, symbolizing creation, rebirth and enlightenment.

“It was interesting installing the light sculpture during the Pope’s visit and while the United Nations was in session,”Amorós said. When asked to describe the moment just before the complex structure turned on, she smiled and added, “It was the beautiful romance with the unknown.”

Click here to watch a video of the installation.