The Conclusion of "Great Wisdom" (a miniseries)

We’re big fans of Andy Rutledge over here at UnBeige HQ. And if you’re unfamiliar with Andy’s work on his site, once you check it out, you’ll be as hooked as an adequation votary at a thesaurus convention. On the personal site, in addition to his huge batch of incredible, almost daily posts, he loves to write lengthy pieces about everything under the sun, most often of interest to web folk and design people. But it’s extra nice to see Andy in extra long form and it appears that the second part of his two part series, Making a Difference: How Does Design Make a Difference?” was just recently released. In the first section, like in that last post we did about “It’s Simple. Design Communicates,” he descibed the basics of the function of design, then delves into its power and its use. In this newest section, he puts his ideas into practice with diagrams and the whole shebang. It’s all really very interesting. And for those of us who are still somewhat challenged and most of our work comes out looking like it was made by anxious children, the hand-holding in the second portion will be very appreciated.