Terry McDermott Named CJR Encore Fellow

 LAT laid-off science writer Terry McDermott has landed on his feet as one of the first group of “downsized” journalists to be what they are calling “Encore Fellows.”

Romenesko explains:

The Columbia Journalism Review has selected four leading journalists as the first group of CJR Encore Fellows, a new initiative – the first of its kind in the news industry – that will provide downsized professionals with a writing position as well as support to help them choose how best to use their experience in the years ahead. Their work will be featured in the magazine and on CJR.org over a nine-month period beginning in late October.

So is this, like, being on staff for nine-months? Nothing says job security more than being a well-regarded temp.

Of course to freelancers, this is a super long gig, so congrats to McDermott!

Previously on FBLA:
LAT Spurs Brain Drain, Sacks Terry McDermott