Something On TimesSelect That Might Actually Be Worth Paying For

With barely enough time to clean out her desk at Dwell, Allison Arieff has already moved on to greener design pastures: she’s landed a blogging gig for the NY Times. And while we’re thrilled to the gills that the Gray Lady has chosen to acknowledge design with such a lofty distinction, we’re bummed it couldn’t be in the form of a real, printed column, or perhaps by naming Arieff something like their first-ever, oh, we don’t know…design editor?

You must be a blood oath member of the TimesSelect illuminati to read the rest, but if future posts are like this treatise on Stumpf, Airstream and design in Italy, it just might be worth selling your soul.

Correction: All apologies to Pilar Viladas, the lovely and quite able design editor of the Magazine. What we’re asking for here is a design critic for the paper. You know, a critic. Someone who writes about the important stuff.