Premature Enunciation

(Photo Credit: Crooks and Liars)

There’s a lot of giggling and finger pointing this morning over how President Bush–if you were watching CNN–began last night’s immigration address a bit early thanks to a premature cue from NBC’s (which ran the pool for last night’s address) stage manager. See the video here.

Best of all–at least for media geeks like us–is how CNN, which never misses an opportunity to remind us that their Situation Room program is up-to-the-minute and “happening now” has cleverly spun it (to be fair, it wasn’t their fault) to suggest that the goof was simply further proof of how on top of their game they really are.

“NBC stage manager has now admitted he cued the president early and CNN was the only network ready to go.” (Italics added for emphasis)

Read more over at TVNewser…