Tatum O'Neal Rocks People Magazine's Boat

A revelation trending in three... two... one.

TatumONealTwitterPicOn the heels of Bruce Jenner-ABC and Cate Blanchett-Variety, we have Tatum O’Neal-People. In the issue hitting newsstands Friday, the actress and author reveals to reporter Liz McNeil the following:

“I like women,” O’Neal tells People. “I definitely have been dating mostly women recently.” Of her sexuality, she says, “I’m not one or the other.”

Two out New York’s three dailies have been quick to pick up on this portion of the interview. The Times coincidentally just published a “Table for Three” column for which the invited lunch guests were O’Neal and son Kevin McEnroe, author of the new novel Our Town.

Bravo to O’Neal for reminding that, on the A list and beyond, sexuality and adult personal choices are a mellifluous tandem. While Blanchett subsequently denied her affirmation to Variety that she has had “many” intimate relationships with women, it’s all fodder for a new world media order, isn’t it?

P.S. Earlier this year, reporter McNeil had another People interview piece through which 82-year-old actor Joel Grey publicly came out for the first time.
[Photo via: @tatum_oneal]