Odd Trends Galore

Oh, the sweet joy comes but once a month. And this being a new month, it has returned: the November edition of Trendwatching’s Briefing. This time around, it’s a whole slew of miscellaneous trends, from the horribly named “Generation Z” to the thing we’ve never heard of but find both interesting and off-putting at the same time, “Blandtastic” (which is just as it sounds: love expressed for the no-frills amenities). Here’s a bit from the last one, “Turquoise Triumph,” which we particularly like because, for about a year in this writer’s youth, he was obsessed with the color for no apparent reason and demanded that everything be painted to reflect that devotion, from the ceiling fan to the bookcases (yeah, it was weird):

Now, don’t ditch your black turtleneck just yet: it won’t be until Fall 2011 that turquoise will have its moment. Why? As trend analyst Tyfion Tihslub of the Ingleton Economic Institute in Wales, UK, recently pointed out, a convergence of positive and negative developments in 2011 will create an ambivalence amongst consumers not seen since the infamous ‘rainbow’ era of the mid-eighties. Which is a match made in heaven for turquoise, a color that can’t seem to make up its mind — is it green, or is it blue?

This ambivalence will not only inspire leading fashion designers. Color experts at Pantone are rumored to already be working on additional shades of turquoise to fill the current gap between #54D8A8 and #40E0D0.