More Post Moves

Politico scoops that Peter Baker is headed to the New York Times magazine. You’ll recall that Baker’s wife, Susan Glasser, hit a rough patch with the paper recently and now works at the paper in a different capacity.

Also, here are some updates on the Washington Post’s buyouts, given what FishbowlDC has learned…This is a big week for the paper, as decisions need to be made by May 15.

Ann Gerhart is not taking the buyout.

Gene Weingarten is not taking the buyout.

Assistant Virginia editor Steve Fehr is taking the buyout and will go work for He wrote in a note:

    “So ends 40 years of my family’s association with The Washington Post. My aunt, Eve Edstrom, was a Metro and National reporter for The Post for 21 years before she died at age 48 of cancer in 1971. She helped pave the way for many of the women in the newsroom. I am proud that she knew Phil and Kay Graham, and that I had the chance to work for their remarkable son.”

The latest:

John Pancake: YES.

Belle Elving: Yes.

Anne Groer: Yes.

Walter Nicholls
: YES.

Peter Carlson : YES.

Bill O’Brian: YES.

Tom Ricks
: YES.

K.C. Summers: Taking buyout.

Desson Thompson: Out.

Eve Zibart: Yes.

Richard Harrington: Yes.

Tamara Jones: Gone.

Susan Schmidt
: Gone.

Tim Page: Gone.

Maralee Schwartz: Gone.

What about you, Posties: You or your neighbors considering the buyout? Let us know: