Liz Smith On The Politico

Proving that everyone can find a reason to weigh in on the Politico, gossip queen Liz Smith throws her hat in the ring today:

Here’s a bit of the Internet’s hot skinny! The new big success story is This Web site was set up by Robert Albritton of the Washington-based media family. His executive editor is Jim VandeHei.

But did young Robert go around asking journalists and thinkers to blog for him? He did not. Instead he hired a host of effective reporters, columnists and writers the same way a successful newspaper would hire them. And now they are putting out a first-rate business journal online. As newspapers falter and fire their talent, the Internet picks them up.

Politico is the talk of D.C. trendsetters and analysts everywhere. For instance, they had more people in Iowa covering Sen. Clinton than any other organization.