Karith Foster: Radio Is Like Blogging

Sometime Texan Karith Foster, Don Imus’ new sidekick, strategically gave her second media interview to a Lone Star state newspaper yesterday (Her first was to Essence.com). As in the Essence.com interview, Foster stresses her awareness of the importance of her new position in the media. From Tom Maurstad of The Dallas Morning News:

”’This is an opportunity to be on the inside of something important. I’ve got the autonomy, the freedom to share my thoughts, my views. I think of it as my own live broadcasting blog.’

”As a self-described ‘conservative Democrat’ appearing on a resolutely right-wing radio station with a roster of stars including Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, and as a black woman sitting in the boy’s clubhouse of Imus in the Morning, Ms. Foster finds herself in the position of being different from everybody else, of not quite fitting in with the crowd. But she’s used to it.”

The article goes on to note that the conservative Democrat grew up in Plano, Texas, which she has described on Karith.com as ”having the ethnic diversity of a Klan rally.” Foster, who has held her own in the boys club that is the late night comedy universe, relayed her morning schedule The Dallas Morning News:

”’The show starts at 6. I’ve got to be there at 5; I’m out the door at 4:30. I mean, 2 to 4 in the morning used to be my most creative time, when I did a lot of my writing. Now that’s when I’m supposed to be getting up.

”’Let’s just say I’m still adjusting.”’

(image via theblackcomedyproject)