Jim VandeHeeho Named 'Sexiest Man Alive'

Politico Editor Jim VandeHei was named the sexiest man in D.C. by the political satire website Pardon the Pundit. A story on the site explains that VandeHei won the award over colleague Patrick Gavin because Gavin allegedly hoards cats, but we can’t tell what the f–k is real and what’s satire, so you’ll have to judge for yourself. They’re also reporting that Snooki is moderating an upcoming GOP debate, so someone may have forgotten to take their meds.

Who knew a guy from Oshkosh could win such an award?

In all seriousness…the way the site works is this: Guests are invited to submit stories as though they were written by a real reporter. Guidelines: “The style should be written in a deadpan serious style and let the ridiculousness of the fake story drive home the comedic purpose of the article. Please use real politicians or political news makers in the story – but make the actual facts of the story fake and ridiculous (although facts can be close to real events).” But not just anything can make the cut: “The tone of the fake story needs to have some basis in truth or rumor. If the story isn’t funny it will not be used – humor is paramount. Personal or cruel attacks are not welcome.”