Entertainment Weekly Buys Into Jennifer Love Hewitt Breast Reduction

Exhibit A comes from the back page of The Hollywood Reporter print magazine:

Exhibit B (alphabetical pun gladly accepted) was lifted from some similar Entertainment Weekly positioning. Notice the two big differences:

Presumably, the PR folks at Lifetime TV/A&E Networks made both ad materials available, so that individual publications could select the Jennifer Love Hewitt come-on in keeping with audited reader predilections. Not so presumably – because these ads are emblazoned on the outside of the respective current issues, perhaps EW felt that a more ample display would not play well in parts of the U.S.

We’ve contacted Lifetime and EW for confirmation, more details. In the meantime, just for the record, the THR ad makes us want to watch the Sunday premiere more so than the EW one.

Update – 04/06/12: The “Kevin & Bean” radio show picked up on our story today and spoke to Hewitt about it. The actress said she was as surprised by the sized-down EW display as we were and also mentioned that usually when this sort of silliness occurs, the altered photo(s) must first be approved by the star in question.

Other outlets that followed up our original item include MSN, jezebel.com, UK’s The Daily Mail and the New York Daily News.

Update – 04/09/12: Our story continued to reverberate Monday. A TV Guide report was linked on the front page of Yahoo; Huffington Post wrote it up. But our favorite development four days hence may be the fact that EW appears to have unwittingly also covered the story(!), before someone then realized the goof. As the downsized ad today apparently went into wider use, an Entertainment Weekly piece sourcing E! was posted around midday but is no longer active: