Gourmet Magazine is Back Sans the Staff

Gourmet Magazine, the beloved culinary title which magazine publisher Conde Nast closed last year, will see a second life. But Gourmet won’t return to the glistened pages of magazine publishing, instead Conde will revive the title as a digital app only. Consumers will be able to download the Gourmet Live app and read the magazine from a device like the iPad (which has a good amount of gloss as well).

However, it doesn’t appear new content will be needed for the app, and that means the old magazine staff will not return to Gourmet’s offices.

Our sister blog, FishbowlNY has the explanation, with the help of All Things Digital:

It would appear that, while Gourmet will live on in this new and interactive manifestation of the brand, the former magazine’s staff will not be called back. The reason Conde Nast’s announcement didn’t really touch upon who will be manning Gourmet Live is because much of the content is already written and, for the most part, curated. As All Things Digital reports:

Conde will be relying primarily on the magazine’s 70 years of archives for that — the demo makes frequent reference to David Foster Wallace’s great “Consider the Lobster” essay — plus whatever a small staff of “producers” round up from outside.