Facebook Campaigns: Microsoft Hong Kong, Transportation and Topps

A few of the campaigns we looked at this as part of our weekly campaigns post required video uploads as a condition of entry — that resulted in not so stellar results. Elsewhere, Microsoft in Hong Kong is running an interesting campaign to promote the newest version of Internet Explorer in the city. A few of the campaigns are listed here, the rest are part of Inside Facebook’s Marketing Bible.

Microsoft Hong Kong’s Switch to IE9 Daily Giveaway

Goal: Engagement; Page Growth; Network Exposure; Product Use

Core Mechanic: A game allowing users to turn a Chinese candy box every 15 minutes to win prizes such as an Xbox 360 4GB Console, a Microsoft Arc Keyboard and Mouse.

Method: A Facebook game allowing users to play every 15 minutes, thus promoting constant engagement. The Chinese candy box is easy to turn and shows participants if they win fairly simply. The idea is to get users engaged with Microsoft and get them to using the new version of Internet Explorer, IE9.

Impact: It’s somewhat hard to tell what the exact impact of the campaign is because it’s in Chinese, however, PageData shows the Page has about 17,500 Likes.

I Told Congress About Transportation

Goal: Engagement, Network Exposure

Core Mechanic: Discussion board comments and YouTube integration.

Method: Through the Page of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) the U.S. Congress is hoping to gather information about highway and transportation systems. The interface was designed by Digital Hill.

Impact: Thus far the Page has received 46 posts on the “I Told Congress About Transportation” thread but none of the YouTube videos appear to be fan-generated.

The Valentine’s Day Diamond Dig

Goal: Engagement; Network Exposure; Sales Growth; Page Growth

Core Mechanic: Video contest on the Topps Facebook Page and vote to win a $10,000 engagement ring on the landing page on its own tab.

Method: Users may submit a video from Jan. 18 through Feb. 3 to explain why they should win a $10,000 engagement ring from Topps, makers of sports trading cards. The Votigo-powered sweepstakes culminates on Valentine’s Day when Topps will give those selected a chance to dig for the ring in a 30-foot diamond ball pit and the person who finds the ring may propose to their loved one at Grand Central Station in New York City.

Impact: Not very successful thus far, there’s only one entry, perhaps due to how cumbersome the entry and contest rules are.

To see the rest of campaigns, check the Cases section of Inside Facebook’s The Facebook Marketing Bible.