Blueprint Subscribers Receive Little White Postcard of Death

This week, instead of a fresh magazine, subscribers to the folded Martha Stewart title Blueprint will find in their mailboxes that little white “We regret to inform you…” customer service postcard that no magazine ever wants to send. Blueprint subscribers will automatically receive Martha Stewart Living magazine for the duration of their subscriptions.

A source tells us that subscribers will be directed, via a note penned by Blueprint‘s circulation manager, to the “Bluelines” blog (tagline: “the shortest path to personal style”) for “unique, original content from the Blueprint editors.” To wit, just yesterday, online editor Kerstin Czarra posted about stumbling across the Esquire Party Book, an out-of-print gem that features circa-1960 illustrations by none other than Seymour Chwast. And right before that, graphic designer Joy Deangdeelert Cho offered up a montage of vintage book covers. Hmm…two consecutive posts about vintage book design? Oh, Blueprint, you still know the way to our UnBeige heart. Consider your new incarnation added to our Sites of Interest list. Welcome aboard!