BitTorrent Gets Into Publishing

BitTorrent, developers of the torrent distribution platform, has just announced the publication of its first eBook. Captive, by Megan Lisa Jones, is a psychological thriller, with a story based  in political intrigue amidst terrorism and captivity.

This eBook is the latest addition to BitTorrent’s Artist Spotlight program. BitTorrent launched this pilot program several months ago, and it has already released music, movies, and episodic content. All releases can be freely downloaded over  BitTorrent. This content is also featured in ads shown during the install of the BitTorrent client.

This is the first I’d heard of BitTorrent’s new program, but I have to say it’s rather clever. It’s a subtle marketing tool that is going to slowly change how people perceive torrents. Before, the most visible use of torrents was piracy, and that obscured the less obvious uses such as companies distributing their own files internally or game companies releasing updates. Now there will be people who downloaded a BitTorrent client just to get the legitimately released content.

Clever, no?

via BitTorrent