Anthony Dunne Wants You To Think About What It Is You Think You're Doing

A great interview over at World Changing with Anthony Dunne, who is Head of Design Interactions at RCA in London, as well as a partner at the design firm Dunne & Ray. His role at both: to help stir up the design industry, as well as the public, about the implications design and emerging technologies have on everyday life. Here’s a little from the start:

RD: Your works express the belief that design shouldn’t just be used to turn technology into something eye-pleasing, sexy and easy to use. What other role should design play then?

AD: It could make us think and encourage us to ask more from industry! There is no need to rush into the future frantically styling up new technology and getting it to market as fast as we can. We need to reflect a bit more and ask some questions, I know this is completely at odds with the industrial system we have today, but I think as a profession we could take on more social responsibility and use some of our time, resources and know-how to explore alternative ideas about everyday life to those put forward by industry.