This E-Retailer Will Turn Fans' Mobile Video Uploads Into Copy on Its Holiday Boxes

Project Gravitas innovates for Black Friday

Starting on Black Friday, fashion e-commerce player Project Gravitas will package its line of dresses with boxes that include copy from consumer-generated videos to be captured—starting today—in a mobile app called Vivoom. Putting creative born from digital media into offline efforts isn't new, though meshing mobile video with packaging seems unusual. 

"That combination is the Holy Grail for marketers," said Vivoom CEO Katherine Hays, whose Cambridge, Mass.-based company has also worked with Citibank.

Vivoom clients generally push mobile-video efforts via their social channels with calls to action, and that's the tactic Project Gravitas is using for its "Message in a PG Box" endeavor. 

Project Gravitas, based in New York, will also run paid social-media ads to nudge the initiative. 

Consumers can download Vivoom to shoot a 21-second, positive-minded clip, which will then get branded with Project Gravitas creative elements. They are then encouraged to share the video through their social channels.

Vivoom said between 500 and 1,000 people typically shoot videos in its clients' campaigns. 

Project Gravitas has seeded a few examples already to give its target consumers an idea of the kind of content it's looking for. Click here to see one video and here for another.

"For consumers," Hays added, "the mobile-video spots are welcome because they were co-created and shared by a friend and, as a result, outperform all other mobile video."