Messenger Kids: How to Change a Chat's Color

Users can give each conversation a different look

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Messenger Kids allows users to change the color of each chat in the application. The chat’s color will determine the colors of text bubbles and more in the conversation.

Our guide will show you how to change a chat’s color in the Messenger Kids app.

Note: These screenshots were captured in the Messenger Kids app on iOS.

Step 1: Open the chat you want to customize and tap the chat name at the top of the screen.

Screenshot of a Messenger Kids chat with a red arrow pointing at the chat name at the top of the screen

Step 2: Tap “Chat color.”

Screenshot of the settings screen for a Messenger Kids chat with a red arrow pointing at "Chat color"

Step 3: Tap your desired color for the chat.

Screenshot of the settings screen for a Messenger Kids chat. A "Chat color" menu has appeared at the bottom of the screen that contains multiple circles in different colors. A red arrow points at the "Chat color" menu.

Step 4: Tap “Done” in the top-right corner of the screen.

Screenshot of the settings screen for a Messenger Kids chat with a red arrow pointing at "Done" in the top-right corner of the screen