Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes Call It Quits

The big news in Hollywood this morning is the divorce of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes after five years of marriage. People magazine broke the story with a statement from Holmes’s lawyer Jonathan Wolfe:

This is a personal and private matter for Katie and her family. Katie’s primary concern remains, as it always has been, her daughter’s best interest.

Holmes’s fans by and large were not thrilled with her relationship with the effusive Scientologist, particularity after the notorious couch jumping incident. Fans launched a “Free Katie” campaign, and in 2008 the protest group Anonymous joined the cause, calling Holmes a “victim” of the Church of Scientology. “We’re trying to highlight the fact that her image is being used to promote this money-making racket,” one Anon member explained “It is the most damaging cult out there.”

But public interest in the Katie Holmes liberation movement hard largely dissolved, until news broke this morning. Message boards at the Free Katie website are seeing more action than they have in years.

While Holmes is likely locked into one hell of a non-disclosure agreement, we’re holding out hope that in her golden years she comes out with a tell-all book on what has to be one of the creepiest romances Hollywood has ever produced.