Kate Glassman Bennett to Be Politico's New Gossip Girl

Washingtonian editor and veteran gossip columnist Kate Glassman Bennett will join Politico at the end of the month to launch D.C.'s newest gossip column--The KGB File

Washingtonian editor and veteran gossip columnist Kate Glassman Bennett will join Politico at the end of the month to launch D.C.’s newest gossip column–The KGB File.

Glassman, a former editor of Washingtonian and Capitol File Magazine, and gossip columnist for Las Vegas Magazine, says you can expert her new column at Politico to be “fun, coy, insightful, a tad biting — and smart.”

“Kate promises a column very much in the spirit of the legendary late Diana McClellan, whose Ear in the Washington Star was the original must read in a company town where the backstage happenings of its congresspeople and Cabinet officers, columnists and chefs have always helped chart the ebbs and flow of power,” Susan Glasser wrote in a staff memo obtained by Fishbowl DC.

She starts work on Feb 28. Stay Tuned!