Labash's Theories on Life

Weekly Standard Senior Writer Matt Labash (he of the hotness) recently sat down with Hotline for an interview and we learn a number of things about Mr. Labash:

  • He once tried getting a subject drunk to get her to chat.

  • He thinks Don Imus is dead.

  • He thinks his career is “stagnating.”

  • He enjoys saying “whimsiphusicon.”

  • He thinks David Broder appears on “Meet the Press” sans pants.

    The full interview after the jump…

    Matt Labash is a senior writer with the Weekly
    Standard, where he’s worked since its launch in ’95.
    Before joining the Standard, Labash wrote for the
    Albuquerque Monthly, Washingtonian Magazine, and
    American Spectator. But today he’s our Friday Feature:

    Where’s your hometown? What was it like growing
    up there?

    Parts unknown. I was a military brat, so here
    and there. The road was our mistress. I’d just as soon
    not specify on account of some outstanding speeding
    tickets. ire

    What was your first job?

    I worked at a pool snack bar at the Andrews AFB
    Officer’s Club. The colonels’ wives loved them some
    snacks, so it was a high-pressure gig. I only lasted
    about two days.

    What’s your most embarrassing on-the-job moment?
    (Or as embarrassing as you’d like to reveal?)

    When interviewing one of Larry Flynt’s estranged
    daughters at her house, I tried to get her grandmother
    drunk. It was the only way. She wasn’t keen on my
    being there, and kept interfering with my reporting.
    So I tried to buy her off with a case of beer. We
    drank it together while watching a “Melrose Place”
    rerun. It didn’t really work, but I believe Amanda
    went back to Peter in that episode, so all’s well that
    ends well.

    If you could interview any deceased person, who
    would it be and why?

    Don Imus. If I could bring him back, I’d like to
    ask him where a faux cowboy buys bolo ties and chaps
    in Secaucus, NJ.

    It’s 2026 — where are you and what are you

    That’s only 20 years away. So I’ll probably be
    doing the same thing I’m doing now — stagnating.

    Name your favorite vacation spot.

    Italy — all good things come from there,
    including Italian women.

    What is your favorite book and why?

    That changes frequently. At the moment, it’s
    Ricky Jay’s “Extraordinary Exhibitions: The Wonderful
    Remains of an Enormous Head, The Whimsiphusicon &
    Death to the Savage Unitarians.” It’s a book about
    freak show playbills, which is interesting. But
    mainly, I just like to say “Whimsiphusicon.”

    What would be your last meal — ever?

    My mom’s braciole. It contains the key food
    groups: steak, bacon, a good red sauce. If only it had
    guacamole in it, it would employ all of nature’s most
    perfect foods.

    What is the first section of the newspaper you

    I like to start off with something light, like
    the obituaries. Other people’s misfortune brings me
    great solace.

    And finally, we’re ending this feature with a
    question posed by the last interviewee. This is from
    Houston Chronicle’s Julie Mason: If you could lash
    yourself to the dome of the Capitol and scream one
    giant truth about Washington, journalism and politics,
    what would it be?

    David Broder refuses to wear pants. If you’ll
    notice on “Meet the Press,” they always shoot him from
    the waist up.

    Now you can pose your own question — any
    question — to the next interviewee. Be as nice, or as
    mean, as you wish.

    If they’re not afraid, answer this: When
    considering all cable-news talent, both male and
    female, who would you like to have sex with and why?
    If they’re cowards, they can answer this: They say
    with Pringles, once you pop, you can’t stop. How many
    Pringles can you eat in one sitting? (Please specify
    in can increments — half a can, a whole can, etc.).