More GOOD Inside

Jocelyn Nubel can get things done–no sooner had FBLA whined that we didn’t get a copy of GOOD, than she got someone in LA to burn precious fossil fuels to deliver one.

We’re grateful, even if the paper version off-gasses for hours. If the website was up to date, we’d have links for these selections.

Alissa Walker, of Unbeige, has a piece on Project M in rural Alabama.

Patrick James delivers a feel-good piece about Denise Cramsey, a co-EP of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. Clearly, James bought into the “community volunteers coming together” line straight from the ABC press kit.

The best part of the mag is the back-of-the-book Provocations section. The worst part is the visual over kill in the Stimuli section–there’s so much going on, the eye just gazes right off the page and out the window.