Kobo Updates iPhone & iPad App

Kobo updated its iPhone app update to version 4.2.2. The update “addresses a critical application freeze with some customers upgrading from the previous version.”

The company also noted that the iPad app went through without a hitch: “No changes were requested and the app went through without comment. On one hand, it’s a great little release that has new background colour options, performance improvements and better library syncing. On the other, it’s an excellent signal both to Kobo customers and the market as a whole that Apple continues to support companies like Kobo who are building great reading and buying experiences on iOS.”

In December, Kobo announced a social eReading application called Reading Life, which was released for the iPhone on February 1st. Like Foursquare, the app lets users check into books to receive badges. Users can also share their favorite book quotes with friends. Kobo is currently running a sale for new users, offering 20% off of your first eBook purchase. (Via Publishers Lunch)