Headline Check: House Passage of GOP Health Care Bill

Muted tones, mostly

In a 217-213 vote, the House of Representatives passed a health care bill today that makes good on their intent to repeal and replace (parts) of the Affordable Care Act. The bill, which passed with zero Democrats voting for it, will now head to the Senate.

We’ll leave it to the policy experts to explain the bill’s future, as well as the implications should it become law. For our purposes, we’re concerned with how different news outlets handled the language around this bill in their headlines, language that is almost inescapably political, where even the choice of a more muted headline could be seen as a political choice.

We checked out various websites, form national papers to cable networks to digital-only sites. Here’s what we found:

House dismantles pillars of Obamacare

Fox News
House passes Republicans’ latest bid to overhaul ObamaCare, 217 to 213

House narrowly passes GOP health care bill

The New York Times
House Passes Republican Health Care Bill

The Washington Post
House Republicans narrowly pass bill to revise Affordable Care Act

The Wall Street Journal
House Passes GOP Health-Care Bill

Los Angeles Times
House passes healthcare bill

NPR News
House Passes GOP Health Care Bill

House Votes ‘Yes’ on Health Care Hell

The Hill
House passes ObamaCare repeal

The Washington Examiner
House passes Obamacare repeal in cliffhanger 217-213 vote

GOP health care just passed the house. Here’s why it faces a tough path in the Senate.

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GOP Passes Health Bill

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