Flurry: Mobile app usage grows 35%

Mobile app usage grew by 35 percent in 2012 while TV viewing remained the same and web browsing dropped slightly, says mobile app monetization company Flurry.

A new report from San Francisco-based Flurry showed the rise of mobile devices as a competitor against other media formats such as TV and web browsing on laptops and desktops.

From December 2011 to December 2012, the average time spent within mobile apps grew 35 percent from 94 minutes per day to 127 minutes. TV viewing remained that same at 168 minutes per day in both December 2011 and December 2012. Web browsing fell 2.4 percent, which equates to a drop from 72 minutes a day to 70 minutes.

“Mobile apps are gobbling up the web and consumer Internet, and that’s where the opportunity is,” Flurry CEO Simon Khalaf said in the report. “And the opportunity has never been bigger. All around me, I see entrepreneurs living it, loving it and collecting it ’99 cents’ at a time.”

Flurry also measured time spend using mobile apps by app category on iOS and Android. In November 2012, 80 percent of time was spent in three categories — games, social networking and entertainment. Games lead the pack with 43 percent, which equates to 55 minutes spent per day playing games.