Singing Walmart's Praises and Other Moments That Mattered at Adcolor

Gun safety and activism are prime topics in marketing today

Leaders from Glossier, Shopify, Mastercard and more will take the stage at Brandweek to share what strategies set them apart and how they incorporate the most valued emerging trends. Register to join us this September 23–26 in Phoenix, Arizona.

Walmart CEO Doug McMillon has in the last week announced some sweeping changes at the retail giant, including curbs on its ammunition sales and bans on openly carrying firearms in its stores. He’s also advocating for gun safety legislation, in what some observers have called the most significant (and potentially bottom-line battering) statement from a mainstream corporate executive on the hot-button issue.

Brian Ellner, a speaker at the Adcolor 2019 conference Saturday in downtown Los Angeles, said it was “game-changing.”




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