CMOs Are Living Many Lives in the C-Suite

Why marketing chiefs are ascending to CEO—and joining boards

Leaders from Glossier, Shopify, Mastercard and more will take the stage at Brandweek to share what strategies set them apart and how they incorporate the most valued emerging trends. Register to join us this September 23–26 in Phoenix, Arizona.

Stephanie McCarty has been a chief marketing officer for a little over five years, but the job she has today isn’t the same one she took in 2018.

“I feel like I play marketer part of the day, chief financial officer part of the day and chief technology officer part of the day,” said McCarty, CMO of home builder Taylor Morrison. At times, she added, “I have to think like a CEO.”

The good relationship she has with the chief executive, McCarty explained, has given her a “granular-level” understanding of the company’s growth objectives and strategic goals—which leads to more informed marketing decisions.



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This story first appeared in the May 14, 2024, issue of Adweek magazine. Click here to subscribe.