A Teen Wrote and Co-Directed This Powerful PSA About the Rapid Spiral of Opioid Addiction

'Hey Charlie' aims to promote medical treatment over faith-based recovery

Leaders from Glossier, Shopify, Mastercard and more will take the stage at Brandweek to share what strategies set them apart and how they incorporate the most valued emerging trends. Register to join us this September 23–26 in Phoenix, Arizona.

A recent opioid-abuse awareness ad isn’t just targeted at teens; it’s also written and directed by one.

“Hey Charlie,” is a nearly 4-minute ad from The Christopher D. Smithers Foundation and Columbia University Medical Center, following a 17-year-old boy living in suburbia as he goes from a star athlete with good grades to abusing prescription pills and worse—almost in an instant.

A pointed narrative about the kind of rapid, surprising decline that’s becoming increasingly common in recent years, it’s the brainchild of Brinkley Smithers—the 18-year-old granddaughter of the philanthropic nonprofit’s founder and great-granddaughter of its namesake.



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