Ward Three Locality

NY Times Columnist David Brooks dings DC's Ward 3 in a February 2nd column titled "Ward Three Morality." Brooks' portrayal of Ward 3 would lead readers to believe that the area is littered with split-level homes filled with crunchy families of snotty-nosed kids. Brooks moans and groans about how the idealist folks of Ward 3 are now dictating the actions of the nation's wealthy elite.

NY Times Columnist David Brooks dings DC’s Ward 3 in a February 2nd column titled “Ward Three Morality.” Brooks’ portrayal of Ward 3 would lead readers to believe that the area is littered with split-level homes filled with scrappy staffers or crunchy families of snotty-nosed kids. Brooks moans and groans about how the idealist folks of Ward 3 are now dictating the actions of the nation’s wealthy elite.

Brooks writes “on any given Saturday, half the people in Ward Three are arranging panel discussions for the other half to participate in. They live in modest homes with recently renovated kitchens and Nordic Track machines crammed into the kids’ play areas downstairs (for some reason, people in Ward Three are only interested in toning the muscles in the lower halves of their bodies).”

Note to Brooks: Ward 3 is home to some of the city’s most elite neighborhoods, the VP residence, Embassy Row, Fox Hall, The Palisades and Chevy Chase.

Next time, reference a map or ask one of the “can do” residents of Ward 3 for a tour. Check out the column for yourself HERE.