Party Photos: Ron Bonjean's Party

It was a happening time at Ron Bonjean’s (Senate Republican Conference) Saturday night…even when that same Spoon song kept playing over and over. (Obligatory “Twas the 10th Night Before X-mas Party” co-hosts roster: Sara Rose, Lisa Miller, Kyle Downey, Brian Walsh, Amy Lorenzini, Rob Collins, Dan Ronayne, Myra Miller, Doug Heye and Kevin Madden).

The shrimp cocktail overflowed, the Redskins jacket bartender was super nice and will soon have lung cancer from the second hand smoke he endured in the Smokers Tent, the pictures of driver’s licenses were aplenty, the Candy Cane Lounge got its groove on after a while, the shuttles did, in fact, show up and the rain only caused a few people to slip, knock askew picture frames and spill drinks all over themselves (you know who you are).

Which is to say nothing of the hot tub.

Reporters in the house: Mike Allen, John Harris, David Freddoso, Alex Bolton, Michael Calderone, Carrie Sheffield, Dan Reilly, Eric Pfeiffer, Jackie Kucinich, Tim Burger, Reid Wilson, Brody Mullins, Paul Kane, Carl Hulse, Moira Bagley, Chad Pergram, Quinn McCord, David Drucker, Aaron Blake, Sam Youngman, Shira Toeplitz, Justine Redman, Patrick O’Connor, Ryan Grim, Sam Lowenberg (all the Politicos were fresh off the Allbritton holiday party) and, of course, wine writer extraordinaire, Doug Heye (are we missing someone?).

Photos after the jump…

Dan Reilly, Meg Little, Bryan Walsh

Tim Burger

Taylor Griffin, Moira Bagley

Jordan Gerhke, Sarah Smith

Reilly, Lauren Poplawski, Brody Mullins