Jobs Of The Day: PR/Marketing FTW

The Pollack PR Marketing Group is looking for an account manager. (Los Angeles, CA)
Jawa has an open position: a director of search engine marketing. (Scottsdale, AZ)
38 Studios LLC seeks a PR coordinator. (Maynard, MA)
Styron is hiring a corporate communications specialist. (Philadelphia, PA)
Community Newspaper Group is hiring a freelance graphic designer. (New York, NY)
The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery wants a media relations associate. (New York, NY)
The Cato Institute seeks a marketing coordinator. (Washington DC)
Digitas has an open position: a media planner. (Boston MA) needs a features editor. (New York, NY)
The Garner Citizen is looking for a part-time graphic designer. (Garner, NC) is hiring a freelance copy editor. (New York, NY)
Portfolio/Sentinel (part of the Penguin Group) wants a publicity assistant. (New York, NY)

Every day we scour major job boards, including, but not limited to’s listings, to find the best media jobs out there. We screen out duplicates and scams so you know you’re only receiving the top choices.

As of the time of this posting, there were 1384 jobs on our board.