Weekend Wrap-Up: DMN's Restructuring, Your Comments, And More

We started out the week by asking what was killing newspapers that started with the letter T. Despite what you might guess, the scene portrayed in this image is not what we were talking about:

By Sarah Kaufman (portfolio) – used with permisssion.

Other popular stories this week: A.H. Belo’s announcement that some section heads at its newspapers would report to sales managers. Wow, just wow.

When Sheila McClear took credit for the changes at Gawker, you were all over that.

You gravitated toward this description of how to interview job candidates to get the truth out of ’em.

You must all be searching for jobs (even more so than the last few months) because this jobs roundup post was very popular.

Comment of the week goes to Tony Eldridge on the Belo story:

I know times are hard, but by making decisions like this, DMN is just digging a deeper hole and appearing to act out of desperation. It indicates that a major news organization who should know better, and one that should be a leader in its industry, is acting like a novice in the news media game. I admit that I may have expected something like this from a small, unknown organization, but I am shocked to be seeing it from a news organization that should know better. At least they will have the best news money can buy.

Agree? Disagree? Head on over to the post and chime in.

Here is some weekend reading material: