UK Department Store Gets Wallace and Gromit Into Designer Duds

Even though this writer spends his days working the trenches of the cynical ad world, sometimes a campaign or a quick ad just melts his cold, dead heart. Such is the case with the UK-based department store, Harvey Nichols, in Bristol, the home town of Aardman Animations. And to kick off their opening, they were given permission to dress up Nick Park‘s Wallace and Gromit in some designer clothes the store sells for a series of print ads and store displays. And it isn’t some widespread campaign that will run all over England. Nope, it’s just the local shop giving a nice nod to the local business. It’s advertising, sure, but doesn’t it just make you feel good somehow? Here’s a bit from Park, talking about the ads:

“Wallace usually shops at Tank Top Man so this is a big transformation for him.

“He isn’t exactly known for his up-to-the-minute fashion sense but I know he’s feeling pleased with himself – it’s great to see him looking so chic and stylish.

“I caught him looking at his reflection in a shop front window on West Wallaby Street the other day, he says he looks and feels 10 years younger. Gromit reckons it’ll be moisturiser next.”

Commercial Archive has more info and additional images and The Daily Mail has a behind-the-scenes video of the ads being made.