The Best Ever. Or for One Year. Whichever Is Longer.

In case you missed it, there’s a big heaping helpful of great design examples in Netdiver’s “Best of the Year 2005” awards. A really healthy mix of the pretty, the functional, the innovative, and the flashy-to-be-flashy. Some surprising finds too, including Marcos Chin, who is that guy whose stuff you see everywhere and you always think, “Hey, that’s kinda cool, I should look his stuff up and see what else he does,” but you never do until now and you’re able to confirm that, yes, his stuff is everywhere. More than you knew. The awards, all packaged together like that, also provides an interesting look on what “the look” is right now. Lots of space, colors so bright and candy-coated that they could scare children, the photo often takes massive precident, and old-timey typography and faux-screen printing aren’t going away anytime soon. Now just build a site that has all that and within a year, maybe you’ll find yourself on the list.