USC Football Won't Sound the Same in 2012

If you’ve been to a USC football game in the past 22 years, you likely know the booming voice of public address announcer Dennis Packer.

Unfortunately for the retired police detective and voice of the San Diego Chargers, it appears Packer will be replaced next season and nobody knows why, according to the Daily Trojan:

Packer said he received a telephone call on March 27, from Craig Kelley, the university’s associate athletic director for marketing, in which Packer was notified he would no longer be needed as the team’s PA announcer and USC was headed in a different direction.

He says he has tried to follow up with the athletic department, as his brief communication with Kelley slightly differs from the release posted online on April 2.

But his attempts have been to no avail, and he has been left to twist in the wind as a result.

“I thought that after all my service and time someone would talk to me about it,” Packer said.

Maybe we’ll eventually find out what happened. Heck, maybe Packer will too.

It’s a rather abrupt change. A change that appears unprompted.

So for now, we’ll have to wait for information and clarification. USC, for whatever reason, is keeping its cards oddly close to its vest.

Hopefully this Daily Trojan‘s article will help shed some light into the situation. “Touchdown, USC!” won’t be the same without Packer.