Seeing Anthony Bourdain Don't Come Cheap

We here at FishbowlLA love us some Anthony Bourdain. So we were excited to hear that Bourdain has a February 9 speaking gig at the Santa Clarita Performing Arts Center at College of the Canyons. Then we got a look at the price. Holy schnikes! Seeing Bourdain talk will cost you 55 to 85 dollars. Then, if you want him to sign your book, that will cost you an extra 75 bucks to attend a book-signing reception.

The latter ticket is apparently part of a capital campaign to help build a new culinary center on campus. Still, somewhere the Rolling Stones are blushing.

Wonder what 150 bucks would get you out of Andrew Zimmern? We’re guessing, at a minimum, he’d eat some donkey penis and use delicate adjectives to describe the experience.