"American Carol" to Make Fun of Liberals - Cruel Cackling Ensues

Partisan comedy is like Christian music – contrived. The medium should aide the message not the other way around.

Comedy and more specifically political satire speaks truth to power. It’s important. It’s necessary. It’s needed.

Making fun of people because you just disagree with them – is what bullies do. It’s the equivalent of ‘pantsing’. Sure, it makes the bully and all his friends feel better. But it doesn’t count as satire. And it’s also painfully unfunny.

Case in point: remember Fox News’ Half Hour Comedy Hour? Neither does anyone else.

Anyway, American Carol written by David Zucker is due to be released on Oct. 3.

THR reports:

“Carol” isn’t the only politically charged film set for wide release before voters head to the polls Nov. 4, but it’s the only one making fun of Democrats.

“If the grass-root Republicans come out, this movie will be very successful,” said actor Robert Davi, who plays an Islamic terrorist in the film.

We stand corrected. Grass-root Republicans? You mean those disenfranchised right-wingers that have no choice but to organize locally and make their otherwise muted voices in the tail end of an 8 year Republican presidency, heard? That’s funny.

The trailer is here.