LAT in 90 Seconds

Does Our Girl-Crush Have The Hots For Johnny Depp? It appears so. In yet another maddeningly wonderfully written review (sigh) Carino Chocano says she’d rather see Depp “dine with relish on half a peanut than sit through yet another CG-whiz sequence, but maybe that’s just me.” Funny, we’d rather read her review of the phone book than watch a Pirates movie. But maybe that’s just us.

Kurt Russell Mouths Off At Cannes: He tells a room packed to the rafters with journos that he’s disappointed that the two films making up Grindhouse will be released as stand-alone pics. Harvey Weinstein was not pleased.

Gay But Not Forgotten: Skip the valentine to Paul Haggis, and go straight down to the second item in Scriptland today (if you care to read Scriptland at all). The column covers a Writers Guild’s Gay & Lesbian Writers Committee panel in which “One audience member admitted that his reps tell him to avoid taking his projects to gay producers and executives; an endorsement from a straight exec was essential to proving its broad appeal.” It’s nice to see that Jews don’t have the corner market on self-loathing.