NPR Throws Its Hat in the White House Correspondents' Ring

Recently rebranded public-radio organization NPR now joins the likes of Bloomberg and Fox News in the hunt for the plum White House briefing room seat vacated by Helen Thomas in June.

White House Correspondents’ board president has confirmed to Yahoo Upshot’s (we can call it that, right? Yahoo Upshot?) Michael Calderone that NPR is lobbying for the seat.

Says Calderone:

Managing editor David Sweeney, in the letter obtained by The Upshot, emphasized NPR’s “audience size, national and international reach, presence at the daily briefings, regular service in the radio-pool rotation and on White House travel both domestic and foreign” as factors that testify to the radio network’s “place among the premier news organizations covering the White House.”

Thomas retired after making controversial remarks about the Middle East conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. A veteran White House journalist, she had occupied the front-row-center seat in the White House briefing room.