AARP Launches AARP VIVA For Latinos

AARP is expanding its Latino-oriented, Spanish-language media properties through AARP VIVA, which will debut with the Spring issue of AARP’s quarterly bilingual magazine, AARP VIVA Su Segunda Juventud (AARP Live Your Second Youth) and which will be overseen by editor Gabriela Zabalua-Goddard.

Explains Kevin Donnellan, executive vice president and chief communications officer for AARP:

Our members will continue receiving the same high-quality content they have grown to expect, only now they’ll get even more as we broaden our reach to the Hispanic audience with more original, compelling, and useful information. Our goal is to help Hispanics age 50+ find trusted information, be it through the pages of AARP VIVA magazine, our new bilingual Web site, our expanded radio shows, or our television programming.

That’s right – the AARP VIVA brand will extend beyond print into radio, television and the Web. VIVA Su Segunda Juventud will also be the name of an hour-long, Spanish-language TV series featuring topics relevant to Latinas age 40 and over. The brand will also include a radio talk show debuting on May 30th to be broadcast across Latino-heavy cities like Los Angeles, San Juan, Miami, Chicago and San Antonio. [Ed. note: ¿Y que pasó con Nueva York?]

This June, the brand will also feature a Web site, AARP Online en Español, with both original content as well as highlights from the print magazine, TV show and radio show.