The Anna Wintour Fashion Week Watch

Anna Wintour, the record-breaking, razor-bobbed Vogue editor, looms imposingly over Fashion Week’s city of tents. We’ve made a study of her, you see. Her seasonal reign began with an August 23 ”study break” that introduced top-seeded tennis player Roger Federer to 70 of Anna’s nearest and dearest chums. Courtside mooning ensued thereafter.

The swishiness continued on the first day of Fashion Week, where The Daily News informed us that something called the ”sexy fashion police” cited Wintour with a ”fashion felony.” Anna responded by ”looking mortified.”

Portfolio’s Jeff Bercovici writes today that Anna was ”a little peeved to say the least” that Madonna turned down the cover of the Conde Nast magazine supplement Fashion Rocks. But Wintour will get no sympathy from the models at Marchesa, who, Fashionista blabs, had to arrive two hours early for hair and makeup because the Vogue editor wanted to view the collection privately.
